
Urban Dictionary: ain't that some shit

Urban Dictionary: ain't that some shit:

"Irony. When something is definatly, "Some shit"
Ron: Donny, are you still going out with annie?

Donny: Nah, I found out she was a dude.

Ron: Ain't that some shit.."
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What do the Z, I, and P in “ZIP code” stand for? And what do the numbers represent? | The Hot Word

What do the Z, I, and P in “ZIP code” stand for? And what do the numbers represent? | The Hot Word:

"What do the Z, I, and P in “ZIP code” stand for? And what do the numbers represent?"


Replevy | Define Replevy at Dictionary.com

Replevy | Define Replevy at Dictionary.com:

"Main Entry: replevy
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Forms: re·plev·ied ; re·plevy·ing
Etymology: probably from Anglo-French replevi , past participle of replevir to give security, from Old French, to give security for, from re- back + plevir to pledge
: to take or get back by replevin — re·plev·i·able /ri-'ple-vE-&-b&l/ adjective
Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
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