
Forbidden Bookshelf | Open Road Integrated Media

Forbidden Bookshelf | Open Road Integrated Media:

 "For over half a century, America's vast literary culture has been disparately policed, and imperceptibly contained, by state and corporate entities well-placed and perfectly equipped to wipe out wayward writings. As America does not ban books, other means—less evident, and so less controversial—have been deployed to vaporize them.  The purpose of Forbidden Bookshelf is to bring such vanished books to life. These works pull some of the most troubling trends and episodes in US history from the shadows, shed light on how America got to its present moment, and show us how we all might change direction."



13 Google Search Tricks That Make Life A Whole Lot Easier

13 Google Search Tricks That Make Life A Whole Lot Easier:

 "13 Google Search Tricks That Make Life A Whole Lot Easier"

Taking Notes by Hand Benefits Recall, Researchers Find – Wired Campus - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Almost All the Wired Magazines Ever Published
Almost All the Wired Magazines Ever Published (Photo credit: outtacontext)
Taking Notes by Hand Benefits Recall, Researchers Find – Wired Campus - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education:

 "In another part of the study, some laptop users were instructed to avoid taking verbatim notes. Instructors explained that “people who take class notes on laptops when they expect to be tested on the material later tend to transcribe what they’re hearing without thinking about it much.” But members of that group received lower scores in both conceptual and factual tests than did their longhand counterparts."

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