
Urban Dictionary: ain't that some shit

Urban Dictionary: ain't that some shit:

"Irony. When something is definatly, "Some shit"
Ron: Donny, are you still going out with annie?

Donny: Nah, I found out she was a dude.

Ron: Ain't that some shit.."
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What do the Z, I, and P in “ZIP code” stand for? And what do the numbers represent? | The Hot Word

What do the Z, I, and P in “ZIP code” stand for? And what do the numbers represent? | The Hot Word:

"What do the Z, I, and P in “ZIP code” stand for? And what do the numbers represent?"


Replevy | Define Replevy at Dictionary.com

Replevy | Define Replevy at Dictionary.com:

"Main Entry: replevy
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Forms: re·plev·ied ; re·plevy·ing
Etymology: probably from Anglo-French replevi , past participle of replevir to give security, from Old French, to give security for, from re- back + plevir to pledge
: to take or get back by replevin — re·plev·i·able /ri-'ple-vE-&-b&l/ adjective
Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
Cite This Source"

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Merriam-Webster Online: pogonip

One of the logos of Merriam–Webster.Image via WikipediaMerriam-Webster Online: "pogonip\PAH-guh-nip\

: a dense winter fog containing frozen particles that is formed in deep mountain valleys of the western United States"

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The One Minute Writer: Friday Fiction: Ocean

prompted by
The One Minute Writer
Friday Fiction: Ocean
the sun is hot, of course its hot,
the kids are on the beach, of course,
and the surf is pounding in my ears!
white christmas in the tropics- oh cliche of cliches:
i miss New York, don't you?
.O'Dasor De
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The One-Minute Writer: Ice cream truck

An ice cream van at Batemans Bay, New South Wa...Image via Wikipedia
prompted by C.Beth's
The One-Minute Writer: "THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 2010

Today's Writing Prompt: Ice cream truck
Kids get so excited when the ice cream truck comes into the neighborhood. What kind of delivery truck would make adults line up in excitement?"

oh, dunno,

but we DO line up for the espresso coffee truck at 14th street/Union Square, NYC . . . a Due Shot of hot roast knocks off forty years in one slurp!

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prompted by My Town Shoot-out: Aquariums

NYC - LES: Delancey St Subway StationImage by wallyg via Flickr

prompted by  My Town Shoot-out:
Member Voice - ChefE on Aquariums

Fish Mosaic at Delancey Street
 Subway Station, NYC, NY

we're not sure if what  follows qualifies as an aquarium,
 but its the best that we can muster up at such short notice. :-)

btw, the mosaics are popping up all over town,
all with different themes.

so why fish as a mosaic theme at Delancey?

our guess is that Delancey Street is not too far from the East River,
Chinatowns' Fish Stalls, or even a skip and a hop from the
old Fulton Fish Market.

in the early 20th century, we know that Delancey Street
had its own Fish Stalls (this was pre-Yuppification).

in a prior post, we told of swimming in the river as a child
and the feel of fish against our bodies as we swam.
 at the time we lived on Allen Street a couple of blocks away.

more recently, we associate the Delacey St/Essex St. station,
where these murals are located, as a transfer point for
Coney Island-bound trains. so there's a connection to
the Coney Island Aquarium.

aha! kinda forced but we DID it,
AQUARIUM.    :-)

{Fish Mosaic at Delancey Street by O'Dasor De, LAM}

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Prompted by Question of the day: Tues., Feb. 9th, 2010

Proof-quality Lincoln penny with cameo effect,...Image via Wikipedia
Question of the day
Check, Please
"A confused bank teller
transposed the dollars and cents when he cashed a check for Ms Smith . ."

we date ourselves, for sure,
but high school was a half century ago.

and THAT particular decade is a blur
{call it a misspent youth. lotsa fun, though}


we DID sweat this puzzle from the
always fun: Question of the day blog

and TG for the net:
we cheated. :-0

and found the answer online.
we won't say where 'cause we don't want
 to ruin the fun.

the truth IS out there!


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