
Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie
Cover of Agatha Christie

one star because it is Agatha Christie. Christie the best-selling novelist of all time. Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie . . . two stars to relieve my guilt.
guilt? yes, guilt at not having dropped this book at the moment i realized that it was becoming a chore to open the darn thing. 

all the way to the end i never once cared whodunnit. it is stubborn stupidity that kept me reading.

 and here's the most embarrasing detail of all: at page 184, almost at the end, i decided to just jump to the end page 219 and get it over with. whodunnit? who? who izzit? i did not recognize the character. where had this character come from? so i turned back a few pages to see how we got to this reveal. 

good lawd almighty, the character is a main character. i'd just spent almost 200 pages with this character and yet . . . ready? . . .i could not even remember any of the characters names (did not care) except for the hero, Hercule Poirot, who in this book is always only listening to other characters until, magically, at the next to last page he deciphers the mystery. good grief, i hate this book.

heck, i take that second star back! sorry, Agatha, there's always your fans.


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