
Meme Express: Give Me Just a Little More Time

[click to enlarge]
{image by O'Dasor De, LAM}

Trapped Inside Many Eternities,
Every Man Invokes Temperance.
by O'Dasor De, LAM

This is the four-faceted post clock installed
at Millenium Park (near City Hall) as a tribute
to David Rockefeller and his contributions
to the city of New York.

{that tall building in the background (farthest in pic)
is the gorgeous, Art Decorated, Woolworth Building}

if you're curious about Street Clocks of New York go see
It's About Time; an excellent blog by author Emily Stern.

It's About Time is now defunct having accomplished
its task of cataloging the clocks of Manhattan,
however its archives are still replete
with excellent pictures and information.

Give Me Just a Little More Time
Prompted by
All Aboard the Meme Express
– Monday, May 11, 2009


LA Nickers said...

Nice photo!

Thanks for participating. Just added you to the blog roll for MEME EXPRESS. Hope you will play often!


bARE-eYED sUN said...

well, thank you VERY much, we're pleased.

and thanks for stopping by.
